All tagged to be gay black and loved

Performing Blackness: Are You Really Down?

I knew God as the flailing of black hands during Sunday morning service. I knew motherhood as the brown hands resting on my forehead, praying for protection every morning before school. I knew fatherhood as the deep hue of a man floating in the water, ensuring that I wouldn’t drown during swimming lessons. I saw the creative side of blackness every time the community would put on of theatrical performance. The joyful side of blackness at those Saturday cookouts in the park. The mourning of lost black life translated into a three-part harmonies.

Cartoons & 'The Gay Agenda'

In a perfect world children wouldn’t have to worry about relationships, and whether or not their identities are valid. But that world would also have to be without parents cooing over how 3-year-old boys and girls would make a cute couple, and me seeing adults encouraging boys to have girlfriends in the 3rd grade.